Flower Delivery

Flowers and Plants from The Manor Florist to your door

Same day deliveries must be received by 11am GMT, orders received after this time will be delivered the next working day.

Delivery Days

We personally deliver flowers between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Saturday. Unfortunately, we do not deliver on Sundays and most public holidays. If an order is received for a Sunday it will be delivered the next working day.

Delivery Locations and Charges

We deliver in Cambridge and to the following local locations. Our charge for this is £6.99. If you don't see your required location listed, please call us on 01223 260049 or send us a message, as we may still be able to help you.


Abingtons, Arrington, Babraham, Bar Hill, Barrington, Barton, Bassingbourn, Bottisham, Bourn, Boxworth, Burwell,


Caldecote, Cambourne, Caxton, Cherry Hinton, Chesterfords, Clayhithe, Comberton, Connington, Coton, Cottenham, Croydon, Dry Drayton, Duxford,


Elsworth, Eltisley, Eversdens, Exning, Fen Ditton, Fen Drayton, Fenstanton, Fordham, Fowlmere, Foxton, Fulbourn,


Girton, Gransdens, Grantchester, Hardwick, Harlton, Harston, Haslingfield, Hauxton, Hildersham, Hilton, Hinxton, Histon, Horningsea, 


Ickleton, Impington, Kingston, Knapwell, Landbeach, Linton, Lode, Lolworth, Longstanton, Longstowe,


Madingley, Melbourn, Meldreth, Milton, Newmarket, Newnham, Newton, Northstowe, Oakington, Orwell, Over, Pamplsford, Papworth Everard, Papworth St Agnes,


Rampton, Reach, Royston, Sawston, Shelfords, Shepreth, Six Mile Bottom, Snailwell, Stapleford, Stow-cum-Quy, Swaffham Bulbeck, Swafhfam Prior, Swavesey,


Teversham, Thriplow, Toft, Trumpington, Waresley, Waterbeach, Wendy, Wilbrahams, Whittlesford, Willingham, Wimpole